Chocolate Thunder

By Darryl Dawkins and Charley Rosen



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I like to read biographies about interesting characters, so I was naturally drawn to this book.

Dawkins is best known for his dunks, shattered backboards, and interesting interviews, in which he claimed to be from the Planet Lovetron.  In this book, Dawkins covers his life, from growing up poor in Florida, through his NBA career, and his post-NBA career, in which he has coached in the USBL, ABA2000, and IBA.

Dawkins is a funny and witty in this book as he was in interviews.  The drawbacks of the book are that in being brutally honest, and this man being the epitome of 1970s basketball (namely drugs and free love) he tells very graphic stories about sex and drugs.  He also dislikes almost every coach he played for, including Billy Cunningham and Larry Brown, claiming they didn't respect him and know how to implement him into the offense properly.  He also had many failed marriages in which he blames his ex-wives.  A wise man told me that the constant in all of your relationships is you, but Dawkins sides-steps this.  He maybe right, but Cunningham and Brown both went on to win championships without him.

Fortunately, this is Dawkin's story, and not his co-author's (Charley Rosen) recollection, because if Rosen wrote it on his own, he may have claimed Dawkins won 2 MVPs, 5 championships with the Lakers and Celtics.  Fortunately, this isn't the case, to the facts appear to be correct.  Overall, it is humorous enough that I would say it is a worthy read.

Introspection:  3
Insight:  2
History:  1975 - 1989 (NBA timeframe)
Readability:  4

Chocolate Thunder: The Uncensored Life and Times of Darryl Dawkins  Darryl Dawkins and Charley Rosen.  Sport Classic Books. 2003.

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