By Red Auerbach and John Feinstein
Every Tuesday at 11:00 A.M. at the China Doll restaurant in Washington D.C, a group holds a weekly get-together to tell stories. The group is led by legendary Celtics head coach Arnold "Red" Auerbach. John Feinstein tells the story both of Auerbach's life and how the group came to be, who the members are - of which the author is part of, how they joined, and their connection to Auerbach.
The story of Auerbach's life is fascinating. From his beginnings, and his pioneering in the early days of the NBL (a NBA predecessor) and how he built the Celtics dynasty and his life after he resigned from coaching. Since this is vintage Auerbach, he has an opinion about everything and you read many of them, but he is a well-educated opinion on all things basketball and an interesting opinion on things not-basketball.
The book also tells of Auerbach's celebrity, such as the President of the United States making Bill Gates wait so that he could talk basketball with Auerbach. As an added bonus, Feinstein paints interesting tales about the others involved at the luncheons.
Introspection: 3
Insight: 5
History: 1920-2003
Readability: 5
Let me tell you a story: a life in the game. Red Auerbach and John Feinstein. Little, Brown, and Company. 2004.