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The truth is like Raid to a jordon-jocking cockroach!!!
(Note: Only the beginning of each question is hyperlinked - yeah, it looks weird, but if the long questions are completely underlined, they are hard to read)
Why jordon is a weenie and not a winner:jordon has won 6 championships, which is surely a record. Doesn't that make him the greatest winner ever?
You say Bill Russell won 8 titles in a row. However, if jordon had not retired, dont you agree that the Bulls would be gunning [with jordon, a literal statement] for their 8th straight? How can you say that jordon is only worth 2 wins to the Bulls? If jordon is only worth 2 wins, why did the Bulls struggle so badly before he returned? If Pippen is so great, why couldnt he win the title without jordon in 1993-94? Why did the Bulls win 72 games in 1995-96 if jordon is so bad? How can you say that jordon is the biggest choker of all time?How can you say that jordon is the biggest loser of all time?
Why jordon is NOT the greatest of all time:
It is obvious you dont like the Bulls and want to spew venom toward the greatest player in history.
You say Wilt Chamberlain is the greatest player of all-time. Wilt was a 7-foot player back when there were few 7-foot players playing. If Michael jordon were playing back then, he would average 50 PPG also. How can you prove that Wilt Chamberlain is better than jordon? How can you say that jordon did not deserve to be named to the top 50 players of all-time? Why isn't scoring factored into Power Points? If Magic is better than jordon, why did the Bulls beat Lakers in the 1991 finals? Why has Dr. Jack Ramsey said that jordon is better than Wilt, and jordon is the greatest player of all time? Why has Bob Cousy said that jordon is better than Wilt? Isnt jordon the greatest athlete of all-time? Why jordon is a 1-dimensional Ballhog:Doesnt jordon make those around him better?
How can you call jordon a ballhog, and not Wilt, who averaged 50 PPG one season, won 7 scoring titles of his own, and even had a 100 point game? Why did jordon fire Doug Collins? How can you say jordon is a terrible defensive player when he has been named to the all-defensive team 9 times and even won a Defensive Player of the Year award in 1988?Miscellaneous Points about jordon's foolishness:
Why do you make fun of jordon? Hes a nice guy.
Did jordon frame Marv Albert? Did David Stern suspend jordon for 1-1/2 years for gambling? Why did jordon choose to play baseball?Why did jordon lock out the players?
Why do you
call jordon's fans "cockroaches?"
Why do you spell
his name "jordon?"
Why jordon is a weenie and not a winner:
Answer: No. Bill Russell has nearly twice as many rings as Foolish jordon. Russell won 8 in a row and 11 in his 13 years. Magic Johnson won 5 championships playing in the more competitive NBA of the 1980s. That is why jordon never made the finals during the 80s.
In truth, it is Scottie Pippen who is responsible for the Bulls success. During his 3 years before Pippen joined the Bulls, jordon failed to lead the team to the second round of the playoffs or even post a winning record in the regular season, despite having teammates like Charles Oakley (top 2 rebounder), Orlando Woolridge (20 PPG scorer) and George Gervin (a member of the top 50 of all time). jordon is worth 2 wins to the team (proven later in this FAQ).
Pippen is the one who makes the Bulls win. This year (1997-98), without Pippen during the early months, jordon went on record as saying the Bulls were playing like an "expansion team." jordon himself knows that Pippen is the man on the Bulls. That is why he wouldnt return to play unless the Bulls kept Pippen. Pippen does the work and ballhog jordon gets the glory. Having jordon on your team is the same as spotting the other team points. However, Pippen wins in spite of jordons albatross-like performances and cancerous activity to the team.
jordons "will to win" is as overrated as he is. Remember who retired after 3 titles? jordon. jordon grew bored with riding Pippens coattails. Bill Russell didnt grow tired of winning after a 3 peat, not even after 2 consecutive 3-peats, and even after his 9th title, or 10th.
Im sure jordon jockers will claim jordon's grieving was why he retired, but that just isnt true. You jordon jockers have been watching too much "Space Jam." At his retirement announcement (and perhaps Ill post the transcript, since I do have it on videotape), jordon was specifically asked if this is why he was retiring. Many times he denied it and said he was retiring because he "had nothing left to prove." Why did he return, if he has nothing left to prove? Money. Jordon is greedy. First, he tried to break up the players union out of greed, then he decided to steal over $30M/year from the Bulls. To jordon, winning means nothing, outside of a means for making more money, which he desires almost as much as gunning.
One last point about jordons "will to win": In game #5 of the 1996 NBA finals, jordon was coming off of a terrible game #4. He told his personal bootlicker, Ahmad Rashad, and his minions in the press that he would let his game speak for him. jordon had delusions of grandeur that he would dominate and be prophetic. However, jordon is not skilled, like Larry Bird, who on at least 2 occasions, told his opponents where he was going to take the game winning shot from, and proceeded to do it. Instead of jordon dominating in game #5, he sucked even more. See, Seattle figured out that Pippen, not jordon, needed to be double-teamed, and that jordon could shoot open shots, because he still bricks. "Mr. Winner" (Wiener) had a pathetic 4th quarter, scoring 2 points. Pippen and Kukoc grew weary of jordons foolish antics, that have cost them so dearly through the years, and started taking smart shots, trying to come back and win the game. jordon, was furious that his "supporting cast," as he once arrogantly referred to them by, was insolent and wasnt letting him bask in the personal glory of scoring a lot of points, so the press could say "jordon tried to carry the team on his back." jordon proceeded to scream at his teammates for taking smart shots and trying to win the game, instead of letting him pad his 4th quarter stats. That spoke VOLUMES about his game, not to mention his priorities. Its amazing that jordon didnt send these guys packing, like he did B.J. Armstrong and Doug Collins, when they didnt serve jordons every whim. However, jordon knows he needs these guys to win, so he can get the undeserved credit for winning. jordon was somewhat prophetic in that his game did speak for him. Unfortunately for jordon and his jockers, it said "jordon is not a team player. He is a selfish ballhog and a has-been, as well."
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Answer: No. jordon played in the 1994-95 season and the Bulls did not win the title. They would still be going for their 3rd consecutive. For the Bulls to win, they need the following:
Pippen: the do-everything superstar who makes the Bulls better.
A very good rebounding power forward Dennis Rodman or Horace Grant. jordon did not have this in 1995, and Orlando crushed the Bulls in the playoffs. This need is especially important when jordon is on the team, because somebody needs to rebound jordons many bricks.
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How can you say that jordon is only worth 2 wins to the Bulls?
Easy. The year before jordon retired, the Bulls were 57-25. In the first year of jordon's retirement, with basically the same team, they were 55-27. 57 - 55 = 2. If jordon was so valuable to the Bulls, you would think the Bulls would struggle without him, like the Lakers did when Magic retired, or the Celtics did in 1989, when Larry Bird only played 6 games -- despite having 2 top-50 players (Parish & McHale), a former playoff MVP (Dennis Johnson), Reggie Lewis and Danny Ainge (for part of the season), they slipped 15 games and couldn't even win half of their games without Bird (who played the first 6).
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If jordon is only worth 2 wins, why did they struggle so badly before he returned?
Because Horace Grant left the team after 1994. He, not jordon, was a key to the Bulls' formula for winning. jordon is irrelevant to the Bulls formula for winning. After Grant left, the Bulls spent half a year trying to find team chemistry, and they found it in March and was on an incredible winning tear, when jordon came back in a vain attempt to hog the glory, but instead, ballhogged them to defeat in his first game back vs. Indiana.
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If Pippen is so great, why couldnt he win without jordon in 1993-94?
Answer: 2 words: Hue Hollins. jordon could have tackled Hubert Davis at the end of game 5 and the jordon-jocking refs wouldnt have called a foul. (Need proof? Look at the jordon no-call at the end of the game 4 vs. Charlotte in 1995). However, unlike jordon, Pippen doesnt control David Stern, who in turn controls the outcome of the games through the officials. The league would profit more by having the big media-city New York go to the finals than the jordon-less Bulls. If jordon had not been so selfish, and had chosen to retire before the draft, instead of before the start of camp, the Bulls could have drafted a shooting guard, or better yet, picked up somebody like Kevin Edwards, who though unspectacular, would certainly have been better than a CBA-journeyman like Pete Myers. Edwards certainly would have been able to make up the 1 point the Bulls lost by in the 5th game.
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Why did the Bulls win 72 games in 1995-96 if jordon is so bad?
Answer: As I stated before, jordon is worth 2 wins. Without Horace Grant, the "almighty" jordon was not able to win the title in 1995. The Bulls set out to acquire a rebounding power forward to gather jordon's many bricks and correct the mistakes of jordon the albatross. The Bulls added a rebounder and a winner (2 titles) in Dennis Rodman, and they went from an "also ran" to the premiere team in basketball. The next year, they slipped 3 games, but without Pippen this year (1997-98), they swan-dived to the level of what jordon himself called "an expansion team." jordon is dead weight. If, instead of jordon, the Bulls had a legitimate star in their backcourt, like Mitch Richmond, Allen Iverson, Reggie Miller, or Super John Starks, the Bulls would have probably won 78-80 games in 1995-96.
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How can you say that jordon is the biggest choker ever?
According to's jordon tribute, jordon has slopped in 25 shots at the buzzer. This is proof that if you chuck it enough, it will sometimes find it's way in! Remember the Nike commercial that jordon had last year? You know -- "I fail over and over and over". According to jordon, he has bricked 28 shots when his teammates "counted on him to win the game" (actually, praying that he would pass it to them, so they wouldn't lose). Shortly after, he fired an airball vs. New Jersey at the buzzer for #29. Against Indiana in Game 4 of the 1998 Eastern Conference finals, jordon chucked up #30, and then in game #5 vs. Utah, he airballed #31. This means more often than not, jordon chokes when the game is on the line. The stats speak! jordon is no Bird; jordon is no Magic; and Jerry West's official title of "Mr. Clutch" is in no danger of being taken by jordon, a.k.a. "Mr. Choke."
Back to FAQ list How can you say that jordon is the biggest loser of all time?Recently, I saw the poster from jordon's Nike commercial where jordon admits his own foolishness. On the poster it says, "I have lost over 200 games in my career. Note, not "we", but "I". jordon, SINGLEHANDEDLY is responsiblefor OVER 200 losses. What a cancer! This is approximately 51% of the losses, which can be attributed soley to jordon! Just think, in 1996, jordon was singlehandedly responsible for about half of the 10 losses. That means that without jordon, the Bulls would have only lost 5 games. They would be 77-5. In 1984-85, the Bulls finished 38-44. I prove
earlier that jordon is only worth 2 wins. jordon is also the cause of half the losses, so without jordon, the record would be 36-22 (or 51-31 over the course of an 82 game season). This proves that jordon is the single biggest loser in history! Back to FAQ listWhy jordon is NOT the greatest of all time:
It is obvious you dont like the Bulls and want to spew venom toward the greatest player in history.
Answer: I have said nothing bad about Wilt Chamberlain, and if I supposedly hate the Bulls, then why have I said so many complimentary things about Pippen? I have nothing against foolish and wretched jordon. I prove this in my review of his restaurant. I just dont like the excessive hype the media gives him as the greatest player ever. This FAQ would be unnecessary, if you give the man his due and call him what he really is: an o.k. player to sit on the end of the bench and hustle in practice.
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You say Wilt Chamberlain is the greatest player of all-time. Wilt was a 7-foot player back when there were few 7-foot players playing. If Michael jordon were playing back then, he would average 50 PPG also.
Answer: Funny, but I dont remember jordon being 7 foot. I thought he was 66". This logic is contradictory. jordon could NOT average 50 PPG back in the 60s. He wouldnt have his jordon-jocking refs giving him preferential treatment. He wouldnt have well-defined zone rules. He wouldnt have hand-checking rules, and he wouldnt have flagrant foul rules, nor his chartered planes, first class hotels, specialist/trainers, and "Air jordons" (ever play in Chuck Taylors?). jordon couldnt make the NBA back in the more competitive and more physical 1960s, and furthermore, he would struggle to make an ABA team.
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How can you prove that Wilt Chamberlain is better than jordon?
Answer: Other than the fact that he is the greatest offensive player in history, and the only player to average 50 PPG and 40 PPG in a season? The fact that he is the greatest rebounder in history, and the only center to lead the league in assists? (This is something jordon could never DREAM of doing jordon would beat Wilts single season rebounding record (27.2 per game) before he passed up that many shots!) Wilt also holds the record for highest FG% in a season (72.7%) and is the only player to have a "triple 20": 20+ rebounds, assists, and points in a game.
Besides all of this, SuperKnicksFan derived a statistical system for comparing players to Foolish jordon. It is called Power PointsTM . The formula for Power Points is:
Power PointsTM = (Rebounds + Blocks + Steals + Assists) / games
Players with higher power points are team players and defenders. For players who played most of their careers before 1974 (when blocks and steals were recorded), you must use Partial Power PointsTM. The equation for Partial Power Points is:
Partial Power PointsTM = (rebounds + assists) / games.
(Note: Power Points and Partial Power Points may only be used to compare players to Foolish jordon).
Using this powerful statistical measure, it is easy to see that Wilt (27.3 partial Power Points) is clearly better than Foolish jordon ( 11.76 Partial Power Points).
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How can you say that jordon did not deserve to be named to the top 50 players of all-time?
Using the powerful statistical systems listed above, I have easily found 50 players with more power points than Foolish jordon. This is conclusive proof that jordon did not deserve to be in the top 50 players of all time. This doesn't mean that these 50 are necessarily the 50 best of all time, but they deserve to make the top 50 ahead of jordon. The list is not complete, but it does include the following players:
Name | Power Points (jordon = 15.16) |
1. Wilt Chamberlain | 27.3* |
2. Bill Russell | 26.8* |
3. Maurice Stokes | 22.6* |
4. Magic Johnson | 20.6 |
5. Hakeem Olajuwon | 20.2 |
6. Nate Thurmond | 20.0* |
7. David Robinson | 19.8 |
8. Wes Unseld | 19.6 |
9. Dave Cowens | 19.5 |
10. Bob Petitt | 19.2* |
11. Jerry Lucas | 18.9* |
12. Larry Bird | 18.9 |
13. Shaquille ONeal | 18.6 |
14. Charles Barkley | 18.1 |
15. Dikembe Mutombo | 18.0 |
16. Elgin Baylor | 17.8* |
17. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar | 17.6 |
18. Artis Gilmore | 17.5 |
19. Walt Bellamy | 17.4* |
20. Billy Cunningham | 17.2* |
21. Elvin Hayes | 17.2* |
22. Grant Hill | 17.2 |
23. Chris Webber | 17.1 |
24. Oscar Robertson | 17.0* |
25. Jason Kidd | 17.0 |
26. Tim Duncan | 17.0 |
27. Bill Walton | 16.9 |
28. George McGinnis | 16.8 |
29. John Stockton | 16.7 |
30. Willis Reed | 16.4* |
31. Super Patrick Ewing | 16.3 |
32. Karl Malone | 16.3 |
33. Sam Lacey | 16.2* |
34. Julius Erving | 16.2 |
35. Dennis Rodman | 16.1 |
36. Moses Malone | 15.9 |
37. Derrick Coleman | 15.9 |
* = This a players partial power points. He is so much more powerful than jordon, that even without steals and blocks, he is a much better defender and team player than Foolish jordon...for a closer comparison, compare those numbers to jordon's partial power points).
Name | Partial Power
Points (jordon = 11.76) |
38. Gus Johnson | 15.4 |
39. Dolph Schayes | 15.2 |
40. Bill Bridges | 14.7 |
41. Dave DeBusschere | 13.9 |
42. Donald Johnson | 13.8 |
43. Harry Galatin | 13.7 |
44. Gerald Goven | 13.7 |
45. Johnny Kerr | 13.4 |
46. Alex Groza | 13.1 |
47. Connie Hawkins | 13.0 |
48. Jim Lison | 13.0 |
49. John Raymond | 12.9 |
50. Bob Cousy | 12.7 |
Note: ABA numbers are included. The ABA did water down the talent pool somewhat, but not as badly as the leagues talent is watered down today. Also, I am not claiming this is the list of the 50 best players of all-time. Power Points can only be used to compare other players to jordon. This list only proves that there are at least 50 players better than jordon, and that they all deserved the top 50 of all-time ahead of jordon. Finally, all numbers are current through February 12, 1998.
Back to FAQ list Why isn't scoring factored into Power PointsTM ?
Answer: Because scoring is not powerful. As Charles Barkley so eloquently put it, "Any knucklehead can score. All you have to do is shoot a lot. It takes brains to rebound." Remember, more power points means a player is a better defender and better team player. Gunning accomplishes neither: it does not make a player a better defender (although some jordon jockers have tried to argue that it does), nor does it make a player a better team player, since it usually makes your teammates mad.
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If Magic is better than jordon, why did the Bulls beat Lakers in the 1991 finals?
Answer: You just answered your own question. The Bulls beat the Lakers. Yes, the jordon jockers at NBC tried to hype it as "Magic vs. Michael," but that was a farce. Basketball is STILL a team game (even when jordon is on your team the rest of the players have to play THAT much better like a team to make up for him). Furthermore, Magic did not guard jordon, because he was defending better offensive threats on the Bulls, and after jordon got spanked trying to guard Magic in game #1, he no longer guarded Magic.
Before the finals, James Worthy severely sprained his ankle against the Portland Trailblazers. After game 1, which the Lakers won, BTW, Worthys minutes were limited. This allowed the Bulls to put Scottie Pippen on Magic Johnson, since Foolish jordon got torched by him in the game 1 Lakers win. Had Worthy not been injured, and Phil Jackson tried this, he would have had to put jordon or John Paxson guard on 6'9" Worthy or 6'8" A.C. Green. None of these match-ups were favorable. Furthermore, during the series, Byron Scott suffered a shoulder injury and missed game #5. In the game #5 finale, Magic was teamed up with 2nd year Vlade Divac, rookies Elden Campbell and Tony Smith, Sam Perkins, and Terry Teagle. And even then, the Bulls depended on John Paxson's 4th quarter/last 2 minute clutch shooting to secure the win.
Back to FAQ listAnswer: Dr. Jack is a fool. He was the same "genius" who engineered the trade of Wilt Chamberlain to the Lakers for Archie Clark, Darrell Imhoff, and Jerry Chambers. Then, in another stroke of Donald Sterling-inspired genius, he traded Chet Walker to the Bulls for scraps. Dr. Jack traded 2 starters from a team that averaged 65 wins per year over the previous 2 seasons. The Sixers started a downward spiral from there. Ramsey thought using a small, mobile lineup (the same system he succeeded with in college) would result in more wins than with Wilt. Dr. Jack was wrong. Therefore, he has to try and put down Wilt in order to save face, lest he be asked troubling question about his decision to trade Wilt.
As for his Portland "genius", it comes down to 2 words: Bill Walton. Look at how they fared without Walton: In 1978, they were 50-10 with Walton and 8-14 without him. Then, they never won more than 48 games in any season without Walton, under Dr. Jack.. For such a "legend", it seems Dr. Jack CAN'T win without a big man, and he traded the greatest one of all time! [Note that when the Blazers lost Walton, you didn't see a 2 game drop-off, like the Bulls without jordon. Note that Bill Walton has more Power Points than jordon. It is no coincidence. Walton was a valuable, indispensable team player, and not a foolish, dead weight, self-centered, glory-seeking ballhog like jordon.] Dr. Jack obviously couldnt handle the funny cigarettes that he borrowed from Walton.
Why has Bob Cousy said that jordon is better than Wilt?
Answer: jealousy and money. The year before Wilt joined the league (in 1959), guess who was the highest paid player in the league? Yep, Cousy. Guess who became the 2nd highest paid player in the league after Wilt joined. Yep, Cousy, again. When Wilt contemplated retiring his rookie year and becoming a track athlete, because he grew tired of the refs allowing his opponents to physically abuse him (opposite of jordon), guess who said Wilt should retire and that the league would be better off without him? Yep, Cousy. See the jealousy angle? Now, why would he jock jordon? Cousy makes a pension. When the league succeeds, guess whom also wins? Yep, Cousy. Guess who brings money to the league (and Cousy) from the circus-like, WWF, atmosphere the league has used to market itself? No, not Cousy, but rather jordon. (Im sure there are some jordon jockers, who cant figure out where this is going). So when Cousy jocks jordon, he brings himself money. Kind of like, "When you dis Dre, you dis yourself", except "When he jocks jordon, he jocks himself." Don't get me wrong: Cousy was a great player, and he is better than jordon (see the list of 50), but Cousy wasnt exactly the greatest evaluator of talent, as his coaching performance in Cincinnati proved. (Well, he did help Milwaukee win a title, by giving them Oscar Robertson.)
Back to FAQ listIsnt jordon the greatest athlete of all time?
Answer: Ha! Surely you jest. Have you forgot about Jim Thorpe, Babe Diedrickson-Zaharius, Jackie Joyner-Kersey, or any of the countless other athletes to compete in sports? Take Wilt Chamberlain, for instance: He won the NCAA national champion in the shot put and the Big 8 champion in the high jump. His vertical leap was supposedly around 50 inches, and this coming from a 7-foot man! At Philadelphia, he beat everyone on the team in sprints, including Al Attles. Also, he is the strongest man to ever play basketball. After retiring from basketball at the age of 36 (after leading the league in rebounds and FG%, and being named 1st team all-defense), he went on to become a successful racquetball players and international volleyball player. NBA teams were offering him contracts to return as late as 1986, when he was 49 years old! Now, I am not neccessarily saying that Wilt is the greatest athlete in history, but he is certainly ahead of jordon, who has proven little athletically. jordon was a miserable failure in baseball, and the only other sport he has had moderate success in is golf, a sport not known for its athletic endeavors. Furthermore, I would not be surprised if jordon cheats in golf, like he does in basketball, taking unlimited mulligans, improving his lie, grounding his club in the sand, etc.)
For more on my response to the ESPN Sports-Century list, visit the sister site to the Exposers of jordon's Foolishness Page.
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