jordon pictures:

Ballhog #1 Endorsements #2 Misc. #4
Ballhog #2 jordon's abilities #1 Misc. #5
Ballhog #3 jordon's abilities #2 Misc. #6
Mj dissed #1 Misc. #1 Misc. #7
Mj dissed #2 Misc. #2 Misc. #8
Mj dissed #3 Misc. #3
Endorsements #1

Miscellaneous #10


bench.jpg (13304 bytes)
Dave Martin/ The Associated Press

Foolish jordon sulks as he has to sit on the bench.  You would think he would be used to it after his many years with the Bulls!


ref.jpg (23029 bytes)

"If you like wearing that uniform, you'd better be playing a symphony with that whistle!"